pens or pins? that is the question...

What's one to do when the heart and hands enjoy words and fabric, the pattern of paragraphs and quilts to an equal enthusiasm? To solve my dilemma I'm writing the print that stirs me and sharing the journey of blending fabrics into quilts and wearables, the discovery of old--be it quilts or friends, and the pleasures of today. Come...have a visit with me.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

APRIL seems a fitting beginning

                          April showers bring May flowers…I think that is how it goes. What a delight to discover a patch of bright Texas bluebonnets, awaken to rain peppering the window panes and see more shades of green than one can count. But wait, there is more. See the pink, the yellow. Do you hear the cardinals? From recent winter's cracking' fireplace to this weeks celebration of spring, it's here. Yea! It's here.

But look quick, because we Texans know, spring quickly turns to summer. HEB (local grocer) has fabulous red geraniums that can't be resisted, a sweet mama bird of unknown name has built her nest above our front door and George has the front door wide open for fresh air, even if it is only 60 degrees! Let's celebrate! What a glorious season!

All to say, my writing juices are up and running again. I loved writing my old posts, then something happened?? I suspect you know how it is. Your faithful to a project for ages, then it fizzles. It stops. That happened to my words, my spirit. Then I heard a voice say, "hey, I'm still here." Get those pens/pins out again. So…

The first fuse was lit a month ago when I attended a great writers workshop sponsored by the Johnson City library. My chosen instructor, Pamela Hutchins  was so motivated, why…she drove a van that had photos of her books plastered all over the sides! Then Robert Deming, founder of the Fredericksburg Writers Conference, (blog- hosted another "get with it" lecture. Phil Houseal talked about selling your books on Main St. Last and certainly not least, my pens and I spent a day at the annual conference of Story Circle Network,  Involvement with the energy makers, one can't ignore it. I am fused! It is the season of beginnings.

I ask, come join me. What is your beginning--what is on YOUR bucket list that must be done while the spirit beginning is speaking to you? MAKE A LIST. MAKE IT HAPPEN. Google whatever your fancy says…get the supplies, take a class…just up and do it, as your energy moves you. Listen, you will hear the voice…"go for it and have fun."

For me, my bucket list has shouted learn to draw and paint…for years. So I jumped in with sketchbook, pencils, a few brushes and paint. I've googled a zillion sites of "how to draw or paint…??" The resources seem endless and I'm learning, line by line. Oh, don't over estimate my skills. I'm definitely a beginner. But the fun, the fun. I missed paint 101 when I was 8 years old. But I'm not missing it now; it is in my bucket list. The shapes are not perfect, the colors may go muddy, but hey, it's all in the learning. 

I'm learning fearlessly--by doing. I joined the local art group, and constantly ask for critiques from many accomplished friends and family. And I think often of the quote, "great is in the eye of the beholder." Thankfully, I'm not in the eye of many beholders. JOIN ME and let me know what are you doing on your bucket list?

Time's a wastin' -- Let's get started,



a favorite read: Tapestry of Fortunes by Elizabeth Berg….time for a novel? enjoy another girlfriend story,as only she can connect us. Love this woman's writing skill.

a favorite scripture: Exodus 3:14 and God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM.