pens or pins? that is the question...

What's one to do when the heart and hands enjoy words and fabric, the pattern of paragraphs and quilts to an equal enthusiasm? To solve my dilemma I'm writing the print that stirs me and sharing the journey of blending fabrics into quilts and wearables, the discovery of old--be it quilts or friends, and the pleasures of today. Come...have a visit with me.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HAPPY Wednesday--May 26,2010

          Some years ago I lived in a small village that was entertained daily by a bicyclist that rode down the Main Street (actually, the only street) greeting everyone with Happy Wednesday, Thursday or whatever. Today his joyful greeting came to mind--Happy Wednesday.

It is glorious outside, a slight breeze, dogs lazy on the porch, spring flowers and berries bursting in their contentment. My morning walk compelled me to take a photo shot of agarita berries. Dad used to tell about shaking them into a fabric strip, carrying them home and making jelly. Those country stories seem lost now. When is the last time you collected berries, went home and made jelly? I can't help but wonder how many of those tiny berries it took to make a few jars of jelly.

                     A beautiful agarita bush
I've been dividing my day into segments, trying to accomplish all the things I love to do. Reading, writing, sewing, the daily walk, the daily read + Bible study and always, the chores that keep sanity and organization of life in tow. I start the morning with coffee (for me, a delightful treat) and conversation with George. From there it is breakfast and quick chores, then a morning dedicated to reading, writing and internet. Shortly after lunch I pretend I MUST change roles and move to the sewing room for total immersion into planning and sewing unfinished and new projects. It has been easy to buy too much "stuff" and never produce end results. I am determined to change the course.

Another joy of Happy Wednesday is the anticipation of seeing my grandbabies. It is a push to call them "babies" because little Michael is past 3 and Kate touches one year old this summer. In reflection I laughed when I saw the photo of M in the grocery car--taken last summer. Visiting for a short time, I decided to be the "perfect grandmother" and asked if he would enjoy riding in the b-i-g (and heavy) grocery cart. By his smile, do you think he enjoyed? I've never had so much fun! We laughed down every aisle!...and soon, another visit--this time with M and K, and maybe another cart.

Remeber Fred?-- the neighborhood cow? That boy has a new costume! Thought you might enjoy--guess it is his summer cooler. He just stares at me when I take his photo, so don't know what he might be thinking. ?? ha.
"fred"--our neighborhood favorite

I love organization, even though it isn't always apparent. But, to my disciplined week, I decided to make some of the soft screen bags. They are perfect see-through squares with a zipper. I can't wait to use them for sewing supplies, files of articles to share with my writing group, etc. I bought the fabric at my favorite store (Creations in Kerrville) and it is also available on-line. By the way, they have a great website

And the most fun of my sewing week--working on Kate's paperdoll quilt. Inspired by the delightful book Material Obsession by Kathy Doughty and Sarah Fielke, it is pure joy to sew.  My deadline of Kate's one year b-day is soon--so I better get crackin'.

Oh my, the reads, the fabulous early summer fruits and vegetables, God's scripture this week--blessings are overflowing.

Here are this week's favorites:

A great read: Wildflowers of the Texas Hill Country by Marshall Enquist--not really a "read", but great photos and copy for identification of beautiful flowers.

Traveling Mercies by Anne Lamott--it is raw--almost too raw, real, funny, touching and an honest tale of her journey to faith. I will always remember this book.

A great meal: Sharing lunch with fabulous friends, we enjoyed chicken enchiladas (home-made), tomato and avocado salad and corn custard (to "live" for). Thank you, Janie.

And God's word: "Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope. Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:21-23

To remember--gifts come in the most unexpected packages.

Til then,
